Create a 2-page plan addressing the scholarship, service, and teaching elements of a specific nurse educator role in a specific context.

When we say we are nurse educators, the image that comes to mind for many is that of a nursing instructor in an undergraduate nursing program. The work that person is engaged in is teaching others how to be nurses. While that is certainly one aspect of the nurse educator role, the setting and the work may vary greatly. Some nurse educators, especially in university settings, will hold joint appointments as nursing faculty in a college of nursing and as clinicians in the university hospital. Other educators will work exclusively in a hospital or community setting, educating staff, patients, or community. Regardless of the setting, the role of educator encompasses more than teaching; there is also an expectation for scholarship and for service.

In this tripartite role, faculty in universities and colleges are expected to teach, participate in scholarly activities, and participate in service, which is defined as activities contributing to the good of the community, university, or profession beyond one’s defined job description. Many health care institutions will also have similar expectations for nurses in upper-level positions.

Assessment Instructions

Create a short (approximately 2 pages) plan reflecting on how the three aspects of the tripartite model of teaching, service, and scholarship could be met for a particular nurse educator position in a context of interest to you.

In your plan, do the following:

  • Describe the nurse educator role that your plan addresses, as well as any other pertinent details about that role. Be sure to give the role’s title and explain the context in which that role works.
  • Analyze the teaching, service, and scholarship expectations for that role as you understand them, and how those expectations fit with the role.
  • Identify publications, journals, and conferences that could be a fit for the scholarship conducted in this role. Explain the kinds of scholarship that would be a good fit for person in this role and with this expertise.
  • Generate a plan that could be used by a person in this role for meeting each of the expectations you analyzed.
  • Analyze additional qualifications that you believe are needed for this role (additional education, certifications, skills, and so on), explaining why they are necessary.
  • Analyze the qualifications and areas of expertise related to this role that would facilitate serving as a change agent.

Additional Requirements

Your plan should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of grammar and spelling errors that distract from the content.
  • APA format: Use correct APA format, including running head, page numbers, and a title page. Citations and references (if used) are to be in correct APA format.
  • Format: Submit your assessment as a Word document.
  • Length: Approximately two double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point.
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