Based on the scope of work for the project of your choice, Please develop a plan that will address the schedule with the following milestones:
- Project Start: December 15 2020
- Project End: May 14, 2021
- Milestone #1- Owner Approves your contract. Based on the meeting schedule determine when that can be.
- Milestone #2- All Permits are received from appropriate agencies. Include all utility companies Look up their anticipated review and approval dates and apportion time for them.
- Milestone #3- Utilities are complete
- Milestone #4- All materials ordered, delivered on site and installed
- Milestone #5-Subtantial completion
- Milestone #6 Completion
- Milestone #7- Certificate of Occupancy is received from the agency htat will determine the rules fo r the project
- Milestone #8 -Commissioning and monitoring of energy usage of site. What will this entail and how long will it take.
As part of the next part of the assignment,
- Please identify the critical path in the gannt schedule you create based on the dates previously identified in your initial analysis.
- Identify the activities that can be delayed and others that cannot be delayed. Please explain why they can be delayed or why they cannot be delayed in your analysis narrative.
- Describe what formula you used to identify your float and why it is relevant to your project schedule.
Part of the next part of the assignment is to develop and detail a resource plan that shows the overall resources needed for the contract to be completed and closed out. Previously you identified pre construction resources, now we must look at resources required to finish the work. Please also include:
- Agency Staff you will interface with (PGE, City, Water District, OSHA)
- General Contractor
- Trade contractors
- Sub Contractors
- Vendors
- Suppliers
- Project Management Team
- Inspectors
- Financial/Insurance/Bond Company
- Design team
Based on the ROM estimate you develop (Rough Order of Magnitude)
- Please calculate what your overhead and profit will be for each of your contracts and subcontracts.
- Describe in detail what you are calculating the expense on.
- Determine what your tax rate will be and how it was calculated.
- What will FICA/FUTA be for your portion of work?
- What is your Overhead percentage and how did you calculate it. Demonstrate how it was calculate and show formulas.
- Determine what your profit will be if you calculate 10%, 15%, 20% and 32%. Show me how you arrived at those numbers.
Once you have completed the previous activities, I now want you to summarize what the overall scope of work has been and what challenges you encountered in the assignment. Please write a 500 word essay on what those challenges were and how you overcame them to complete the assignment. Please describe the specific strategy and what delivery method was identified to complete the project. Please write in complete sentences and use the correct vocabulary of terms for what you are describing.
Your assignment is worth 1500 points and will be graded on a rubric attached below. Accomplish all things requested and you will get a great score. If you submit incomplete work, partial credit will be given. Please make sure you submit the assignment on time, because NO LATE assignments will be accepted on the final project.
My hope is that you will complete this course achieving all the things oultined in the syllabus. Good luck!
Please use MS PROJECT to schedule and use excel sheet to calculate all the estimates
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