Address the following questions in a well-integrated analysis:

  1. Analyze how Makey uses its own products or services to enhance the total compensation for its employees. Is this a common practice in other organizations? Give real-life examples (employers by name). In your educated opinion do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
  2. Identify the company’s internal weaknesses, and from a total rewards perspective evaluate the company’s response to these weaknesses.
  3. Make recommendations regarding an expansion of the benefits programs offered at the company that would further align HR with the accomplishment of organizational goals and values. Justify your recommendations with outside sources.

Bring in at least 5 library sources to help strengthen and validate your discussion. Also, bring in actual employer examples (stating employers by name) from your readings/research.

Paper length: 4-5 pages (not counting the cover and reference pages).

You will need to read the attached case in order to answer the questions and write the paper.

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