Module 04 Written Assignment – Peer Mentoring Session Competency Determine ethical, developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate assessment practices to promote positive outcomes for each child. Scenario You are a peer mentor in your program. You are reviewing the observation of Timmy that was recorded by your co-teacher to evaluate and determine ethical, developmental, culturally, and linguistically appropriate assessment practices. You plan to create a feedback document, or audio recording, or video recording to use during your next mentoring session to provide your co-teacher with guidance on their current assessment practices. InstructionsPart One: Review Observation Review the provided observation notes on Timmy. Part Two: FeedbackCreate a written feedback document, or audio recording, or video recording for the mentoring session that: Analyzes the child’s development within each of the PILES domains (5 total): Physical Intellectual Language Emotional Social Explains at least two of your state’s early learning standards to demonstrate alignment between PILES domains and the assessment practice. Determines at least one way the observation and assessment method used is aligned to NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct for each of the following categories (3 total): Ethical Culturally appropriate Linguistically appropriate Describes at least one way the observation and assessment method should be modified to improve alignment to NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct. Recommends at least one next step in assessment practices to promote a positive outcome for Timmy. Submission Requirements Meets the general requirements: Observation focuses on factual information that can be seen and heard during the actual observation time. Provides at least one credible source in APA reference page. Provide a reference to your state’s early learning standards in the APA reference page (with website link). Uses professional language with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Submit your feedback document for the mentoring session as a written document, audio, or video recording. If submitting an audio recording, please submit as an MP3. If submitting a video recording, please submit as an MP4 or if using Screencast-0-Matic (free resource) you can submit the URL link to the video. Please note that if you are submitting an audio MP3/video MP4 file that it cannot exceed 8 minutes. Resources Audio Recording FAQ Screencast-O-Matic FAQ PILES FAQ Observation & Assessment in School of Education Guide Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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