
Modules 3-7 you were required to read a case from your course packet and answer a series of questions. The goal is to allow you to apply the strategic concepts and practices studied in each week and to sharpen your analytical, evaluative, and overall case analysis skills in preparation for your final project. This week, you are to carefully read the following Case Study:


After you have read through the case study, give thoughtful, well-developed responses to these case analysis questions, in a 1 – 2 page Word Document. Upload your document by clicking the Submit Assignment button at the top of this page.

  1. How would you describe the culture at MindTree? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
  2. What is Bhagchi hoping to accomplish as the Gardener? What is your assessment of the Gardening process?
  3. What are the key elements of MindTree’s approach to knowledge management? How effective are they?
  4. How does MindTree create, develop and sustain communities of practice? What role do they play at the company?
  5. How (if at all) does the 5*50 initiative alter the roles and responsibilities of the knowledge management function? What changes (if any) would you propose?

Grading criteria and rubric for this assignment are located in your syllabus and a link to the rubric is provided below.

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