This is 4 small research questions, it is not that hard but I don’t have the time for it right now and it is due in 3 hour.
Question 1 and 2 is related. Question 3 and 4 is related.
This is not that of a hard question thats why I expect a good answer please.
Find the parts from or Bestbuy or any other AMERICAN website.
1) You are to recommend a PC upgrade for a client. It is required for you to research each of the following components in the chart from 3 different vendors and based on your thorough research fill in the following chart for comparison. Assume that you have a full tower case, monitor, keyboard and a mouse available. Your total budget is $800 to $1500. (25 points)
Type/Name |
Cost |
Special features |
Vendor 1 (Intel) |
Vendor 2 (AMD) |
Type/Name |
Cost |
Special features |
Vendor 1 |
Vendor 2 |
Vendor 3 |
Type/Name/Capacity |
Cost |
Special features |
Vendor 1 |
Vendor 2 |
Vendor 3 |
Graphic Card:
Type/Name/Capacity |
Cost |
Special features |
Vendor 1 |
Vendor 2 |
Vendor 3 |
2) In the following chart. List your choice of components and your reasoning why you made that choice. Make sure that all components are compatible. (15 points)
Type/Name/Capacity |
Cost |
Justification |
Motherboard |
Graphic Card |
Total cost |
3) You are to recommend a purchase of a Laptop a client. It is required that you research each Laptop in the chart from 4 different vendors and based on your thorough research fill in the following chart for comparison. Your total budget is $1200 to $2000. The Laptop must come with an operating system and an MS office software (or equivalents) installed. In the features section, you need to indicate the type of ports, hard drive, memory etc., the Laptop comes with. (20 points)
Type/Name |
Cost |
Features |
Vendor 1 |
Vendor 2 |
Vendor 3 |
Vendor 4 |
4) Based on your Laptop research, fill in your choice and justifications: (10 points)
Type/Name |
Cost |
Justification |
Vendor |
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