Wk 3 Individual: Long-Term Goals & Corporate Level Strategies [Due Mon]
Assignment Content
Assignment Content
Refer to the Week 3 – Required Learning Activities:
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 6: Corporate Strategy
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 7: Vertical Integration & Outsourcing
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 8: Strategic Alliances
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Ch. 9: International Strategies
Purpose of Assignment
The Week 3 individual assignment continues the strategic planning process for the organization you have chosen to study from week 1. The purpose of the assignment is for students to establish their own proposed long-term goals for the organization (target 4-7 years), and then to assess possible opportunity for corporate level strategies that may be needed to help drive the organization towards achieving those long-term goals, and will include the student’s own proposals on how best to proceed for each corporate level strategy. These choices should be informed by and supported by the student’s findings and strategic proposals from the week 1 & 2 individual assignments.
Assignment Steps
Write an approximately 1,000 word report on the company you selected in Week 1, building upon the Individual Assignments of Week 1 (Mission, Vision & Values) and Week 2 (Environmental Scanning), and address the following:
Establish Strategic Long-term Goals
Identify 3 or more specific strategic long-term goals that would require 4-7 years for the organization to achieve, and that are supported by your findings from the week 1 & 2 individual assignments.
Discuss how each long-term goal will help the organization to implement your proposed business level strategic choice from week 2, and will help the organization to create unique value for its customers.
Ensure that each long-term goal is “SMART”: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time-Bound
Corporate Level Strategies
Diversification (chapters 6 & 7) – Assess any possible future horizontal or vertical diversification opportunities for your organization. Discuss and support your own proposal on whether or not the organization should pursue a diversification strategy, and if so, which one and why.
Strategic Alliances (chapter 8) – Assess any possible future strategic alliance opportunities for your organization. Discuss and support your own proposal on whether or not the organization should pursue a strategic alliance strategy, and if so, be specific about your proposed strategic alliance partner and support your proposal on how and why it should be pursued.
International Strategy (chapter 9) – Assess any possible future international strategy opportunities for your organization. Discuss and support your own proposal on whether or not the organization should pursue an international strategy, and if so, which one and why.
Cite at least 3 scholarly references from the UOPX Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
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