Mass Media: Development and Literacy Assignment Options Instructions: Review the Week 1 readings and videos. Select and complete one of the following assignment options: Option A Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper or Create a 10-15 slide PPT presentation in which you answer the following questions • What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media during the last century? • How did each development influence American culture? • What is meant by the term media convergence, and how has it affected everyday life? Presentations should have the following: 1. Little to no text on slides – use graphics and brief text on slides 2. Presenters notes of 100-200 words on EACH SLIDE other than the Introduction slide and the References slide as well as contain 3. Informative presenter’s notes to explain each slide (do NOT put the paragraphs or redundant information in the slides – points will be deducted) 4. Sides should be visually appealing and should have good grammar, spelling and mechanics as well as APA formatting Conclude your paper or presentation with a reflection on why media literacy is important for responsible media consumption today. Format your essay or presentation according to appropriate courselevel APA guidelines. Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. Option B Choose three cultural products you have viewed, read, or otherwise interacted that are examples of distinct forms of mass media. For example, the biography Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow is an example of a cultural product of the mass media channel of print publishing and, more specifically, Penguin Books. Another example is the cultural product The Walking Dead, whose mass media channel is Television, and more specifically AMC. Write a 700- to 1,050-word personal essay or Create a 10-15 slide PPT presentation that describes your three selected cultural products. Include a discussion of the following in your essay: • In what ways did your examples shape, change, or reinforce your own cultural values? • In what ways do you think they shape, change, or reinforce the cultural values of our society, in general? • What is media literacy and why is it important? Presentations should have the following: 1. Little to no text on slides – use graphics and brief text on slides 2. Presenters notes of 100-200 words on EACH SLIDE other than the Introduction slide and the References slide as well as contain 3. Informative presenter’s notes to explain each slide (do NOT put the paragraphs or redundant information in the slides – points will be deducted) 4. Sides should be visually appealing and should have good grammar, spelling and mechanics as well as APA formatting Format your essay or presentation according to appropriate courselevel APA guidelines. Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. SupportingMaterial:Media and Culture, Ch. 1Week 1 Electronic Reserve ReadingsAgenda Setting and Gate-KeepingThe Media and DemocracyWhat is Media Literacy?TEDTalks: My Road Trip through the Whitest Towns in America
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