Read Chapters 14 and 16 of Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, including all Profiles and Highlights for added perspective on the chapter’s content.
Write a paper in response to the following:
Describe a major change initiative that you have either experienced personally or of which you are familiar.
Using the information in Chapter 14, illustrate how that change initiative depicted aspects of the rational approach to organizational change and/or charismatic and transformational leadership. Provide a detailed explanation for your evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
Using the information in Chapter 16, illustrate how that change initiative utilized one or several of the leadership skills listed on page 666 (i.e., creating a compelling vision, managing conflict, etc.). Provide a detailed explanation for your evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
Your paper should be 600 to 800 words in length. Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA style in your paper and any sources cited.
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