My sql
my lab 5
— Coding summary queries
— If you don’t understand the expected results required of a certain question please contact your instructor before you submit the assignment
— 1. Write a SELECT statement that returns the count of the number of tracks in the tracks table.
— 2. Write a SELECT statements that displays the longest track (highest milliseconds), shortest t(lowest milliseconds), and average length in milliseconds of all tracks in the track table.
— 3. Repeat the query for number 2, but this time use column aliases of your choosing for each of these, and divide the results by 600000 to get the length in minutes and round to 2 decimal places.
— 4. Count each trackid that exists in the invoiceline table, but only count each trackid one time
— 5. Total all of the unitprice columns in the invoiceline table for invoiceid = 61;
— 6. For each genreId in the track table, display the genreid and the number of tracks in that genre.
— 7. Add the genre name to number 6.
— 8. For each genreId in the track table, display the genreid and the average milliseconds along with the overall average of all tracks in the table.
— 9. Modify #8 to include another grouping within genreid to display the average milliseconds by albumid.
— 10. Display the playlistId and the number of tracks in that playlist for any playlist with at least 100 tracks.
— 11. For each albumId, display the total milliseconds for the album. Divide by 60000 to get the number of minutes and round to 2 decimal places. The calculated column should be called minutes. Only list albums that are at least 60 minutes long.
— 12. Modify #11 to include the album title and artist name.
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