So this assignment is for english class, all I need is a good enough thesis.

Please do the following:

Step 1:

Find a newspaper editorial or op-ed piece, written within the last two months, on a topic that interests you and is generally related to your major (I am business major) in one of the following newspapers the:

New York Times, (

Wall Street Journal (

Los Angeles Times (

Mercury News (

Step 2: Write a thesis.

For the thesis, please use a “because” clause:


Following are two examples:

(one sentence approach) While Ray Miles effectively uses ethos by selecting relevant examples and sharing his expertise as a biologist, he does not use pathos and logos as effectively because . . . .

(several sentence approach) Ray Miles effectively uses ethos because he selects relevant examples and shares his expertise as a biologist. Miles does not, however, use pathos and logos as effectively because . . . .

Your thesis needs to include your claim (argument) and reasons.

After your provisional thesis, include a Works Cited (MLA) or Reference (APA) entry for the opinion piece you are using.

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