1. What is the main source of cash for a business?
2. How do you think risk should be measured? Explain why you think it is best.
3. Explain what is meant by “risk drives expected return”.
4. For Asset A and for Asset B, compute the average annual return, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for the annual returns given below.
a. Asset A: 5%, 10%, 15%, 4%
b. Asset B: -6%, 20%, 2%, -5%, 10%
5. Compute the holding period returns for each security below:
Security |
Price Today |
Price One Year Ago |
Dividends Received |
Interest Received |
RR |
$20.05 |
$18.67 |
$0.50 |
WC |
$33.42 |
$45.79 |
$1.10 |
AC |
$1,015.38 |
$991.78 |
$100.00 |
6. Find the real return, nominal after-tax return, and real after-tax return for each of the following stocks:
Stock |
Nominal Return |
Inflation |
Tax Rate |
X |
13.5% |
5% |
15% |
Y |
8.7% |
4.7% |
25% |
Z |
5.2% |
2.5% |
28% |
7. In what ways does a proprietorship differ from a partnership? In what ways does a proprietorship differ from a corporation?
8. What information might a changing stock price give to managers?
9. What are agency costs? Give some examples. How might they be measured?
Each answer must be cited in APA format and referenced in APA format. 250 word minimum for each answer. Must Refernce at least 2 sources
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