Part 1: The International Criminal Court plays a role in investigating, convicting, and punishing individuals for their role in state crime. Visit the ICC website at (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)and discuss the following:
- Provide a brief overview of the ICC including: purpose and goals, budget, # of cases, detention center, victim assistance, office locations, and any other information you find relevant.
- Identify 1 of the court’s defendants (to do this hover over the situations and cases tab and select defendants) and discuss: defendant characteristics/demographics (age, gender, position held and length, party affiliation, etc), the country where the crimes allegedly happened, criminal allegations including formal charges, the type of state crime these crimes fall under, history of investigation and court proceedings, the victims, and the outcome of the case.
Part 2: After reading the module materials, visit the World Bank’s website at (Links to an external site.)to learn more about the organization. After reviewing the material, discuss whether or not you believe that the WB is in any sense a party to criminal activities in other countries. Be sure to provide examples of cases/projects that support your view. As discussed in the module, not all globalization is criminal in nature. Identify some of the pros and cons of globalization. When looking at crimes of globalization, do you think that they are likely to increase or diminish in the next century? Identify 2 factors that would likely to facilitate an increase and 2 factors that would likely prevent them occurring?
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