Unit II Assignment (VC)


Art Gallery: Selecting a Theme and Gallery Pieces

Throughout this course, you will be working towards completing your course project, which is an art gallery. This project will be a PowerPoint presentation that you will build upon with each unit. After each unit, you will review your instructor’s feedback and revise your presentation accordingly.

For your first assignment, you will select a theme and five works of art for your art gallery. You will carry this theme throughout the course, and your additions for each unit will all relate back to this selected theme.

Using your textbook, select a theme. You can select an artist, historical period, or a type of art. It can be modern or traditional. Select a theme that interests you-one that you would be interested in learning more about. Once you have a theme selected, select five works of art that fall under that theme. You can use multiple works of art created by the same artist.

You will find a few examples of themes in the list below:

  • Scenes depicted, such as war landscapes, water, or mountains
  • Topics such as horses, flowers, or religion
  • Types of art, such as graphic art, comic art, or photographs
  • Techniques such as murals or sculptures

Begin by opening the “Course Resources” tab to find the template provided for your art gallery. In the course, you should see a tab on the left blue bar labeled “Course Resources” located under the COURSE CONTENT heading. Once you open the template, save it to your computer to complete. You will use this template throughout the course as you build your art gallery. Read the instructions for each assignment carefully to see which slides to complete. Be sure to add your own creative elements, including the background and graphics. You may also add more slides.

For this portion of the presentation, you should complete at least nine slides of the template that include the following:

  • Title slide: Include the title of your presentation, your name, the university’s name, and the date.
  • Introduction slide 1: Include why this theme interests you and what you hope to learn, using complete sentences.
  • Introduction slide 2: Include the title of your theme and a brief overview of the theme using supporting facts, using complete sentences.
  • Artwork slides: Complete the five artwork slides. Include a visual of the artwork along with its title, artist, date, media (materials used in the artwork), and artwork citation.
  • Reference slide: You must use at least your textbook as an outside source. Be sure to follow APA format for all sources used, including the textbook and artwork.

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