Topic 5 Assignment: Outpatient Services & Primary Care
In a 500 word essay, answer the following questions:
- What are five main hospital-based outpatient services? Describe them.
- What are mobile healthcare services. Name three mobile facilities–one each for medical, diagnostic, and screening services–and describe them.
- What is alternative medicine? What role does it play in the delivery of healthcare?
Requirements for organization and presentation of this paper:
- In the upper left hand corner of your paper, provide your name, the Topic #, the date, and the title of your assignment. A cover sheet is not required.
- Summarize your research; do not copy word for word from the book, the internet, or any other source (plagiarism policies will be enforced).
- Use 12-point font, Times New Roman; double space your essay.
- Include a reference page at the end of your essay. Properly cite and reference all sources used, but does not have to be completed in APA format.
- Name your file using the first initial of your first name followed by your full last name and the title of the assignment (e.g., JDoe LP5 Essay).
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