Health Insurance Matrix

As you learn about health care delivery in the United States, it is necessary to understand the various models of health insurance to develop important foundational knowledge as you progress through the course and for your role as a future health care employee. The following matrix is designed to help you develop that knowledge and assist you in understanding how health care is financed and how health insurance influences patients and providers.

Complete the matrix. Each box must contain responses between 50 and 100 words and use complete sentences.


Describe the model

How is the care paid or financed when this model is used?

What is the structure behind this model? Is it a gatekeeper, open-access, or combination of both?

What are the benefits for providers who use this model?

What are the challenges for providers who use this model?

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

Preferred Provider Model

Point-of-Service Model

Provider-Sponsored Organization

High Deductible Health Plans and Savings Options

Cite your sources below.

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