Topic 1: Genitourinary, Gynecologic, and Adolescent Health and Management Plans
You are expected to present an essay Cryptorchidism disorders topic including, but not limited to, the following items:
- Pathophysiology
- Epidemiology
- Physical exam findings
- Differential diagnoses and rationale
- Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed
- 5 references less than 5 years old
See example below
Pathophysiology: Worldwide, many cases of hydrocele are due to a parasitic infection such as WuchereriaBancroft. The infection is acquired in childhood. The filarial infestations cause a decrease in the absorption of lymphatic fluid, which results in hydrocele. Hydrocele occurs when there is a collection of fluid inside the scrotum. This causes one of the testicles to look larger than the other. Hydroceles are mostly found in newborn boys, especially in those born prematurely (Wilson, 2017).
Epidemiology: Hydrocele has been found to be endemic in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, the Pacific, Middle East and Africa. This puts up to one fifth of the world’s population at risk. Hydroceles occur in males, but rare in females. It is common in male infants and children. More prevalent in premature infants, and can occur in infants whose testes descended late. Up to 1% to 3% of full-term infants have a hydrocele or hernia. Hydrocele is associated with indirect inguinal hernia (Epocrates Online, 2017).
Physical findings on examination: During physical examination, one would find that there is painless swelling of one or both testicles. It’s important to rule out other causes of the swelling such as inguinal hernia. Usually baby’s hydocele disappear before a year. When shining a light through the scrotum, if there is transillumination, indicating presence of clear fluid then it is hydrocele (Mayo Clinic, 2014).
Management: Blood and urine tests to help determine if you have an infection, such as epididymitis. Ultrasound to rule out hernia, testicular tumor or other causes of scrotal swelling.
Surgery might be the treatment for hydrocele. For comfort after surgery, one needs a scrotal support strap and ice packs to help reduce swelling, and pain medication as well. Follow up in 2 weeks after surgery (Mayo Clinic, 2014).
Epocrates Online. (2017). Hydrocele. Retrieved from…
Mayo Clinic. (2014). Diseases and conditions: Hydrocele. Retrieved from…
Wilson, J. (2017). Hydrocele in Children. Retrieved from…
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