As students, you work hard for you grades and your subsequent degree. Now, imagine that someone intentionally stole years of your hard work and sacrifices for their own personal gain. How would you feel, and what would your reaction be?
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write up to 3 paragraphs (300-500 words)that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Use references and citations to support your responses. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:
- Safe work environments, fair wages, abuse of child labor, and unfair treatment of workers are all topics that are unfortunately in the news all too often. Previously, these were problems or issues that were present in the United States. Fortunately, the legal system and regulations, for the most part, have made these issues a thing of the past. However, in many foreign countries, these problems still exist. Societies are bound to repeat their mistakes if they do not learn from the past. Therefore, research the Internet and the library for two countries where workers have experienced human rights violations or violations of labor laws.
- Search the Internet and the library, and select at least 2 countries where workers have experienced human rights violations or violations of labor laws.
- State your opinion as to the impact of conducting business with these countries and the ramifications of doing so.
- What should be the legal and ethical reaction of the business community for these types of violations?
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