For this assignment you are going to create a presentation using a program called prezi. Instructions to complete this assignment are below:
1. Go to
2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click on “get started with Prezi”, on the next screen you will see a black side bar, click on “create a public account” (its free).
3. Once you have created an account click on new prezi and start creating a presentation.
This program is easy to navigate and is user friendly. You can choose any format and can be creative in how you want to answer the following question:
Chapter 5: Love and choosing a life partner
Analyze the similarities and differences between arranged marriages and modern “free choice” marriages with respect to the bargaining process. (pp. 114-122)
Chapter 6: Living Alone, Cohabitating, Same-Sex Unions, and other Intimate Relationships
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of cohabitation and choosing not to cohabit leading up to marriage. (pp. 142-150)
To submit this assignment you need to copy and paste your prezi link into brightspace under the assignments tab. Please email me if you have any further questions.
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