Answer the problem 3-12
You will find the case and excel and the question in attached
Problem 3-12 Mini-Case C G A P
© Betty Simkins, Williams Companies Professor of Business and Professor of Finance, Oklahoma State University. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.
ConocoPhillips’s (COP) Natural Gas and Gas Products Department (NG&GP) manages all of the company’s activities relating to the gathering, purchasing, processing, and sale of natural gas and gas liquids. Chris Simpkins, a recent graduate, was recently hired as a financial analyst to support the NG&GP department. One of Chris’s first assignments was to review the projections for a proposed gas purchase project that were made by one of the firm’s field engineers. The cash flow projections for the ten-year project are found in Exhibit P3-12.1 and are based on the following assumptions and projections:
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