Final Project, Part 1. Selection of Topic.
This part of the final project is your choice of topic.
Choose one of the following subjects or propose one of your own.
- A particular emotion or state of mind such as love, anger, jealousy, fear, gratitude, confusion, etc.
- A specific fairy tale, myth, fable, or classic story
- A religious or spiritual lesson or belief such as humility, hope, enlightenment, faith in reincarnation, the Trinity etc.
- A political or social theme such as social justice and injustice, social inequality, social progress, political conflict, etc.
- Representations of gender, race, ethnicity, or class.
- A specific fictional character or public personality
- Natural forces or elements of the natural world, like weather, animals, landscapes, etc.
Explain two reasons for your choice in a short paragraph of 4-5 sentences. Be sure to include the significance of your choice to your own thinking about the world and/or its cultural significance.
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