Final Draft of Narrative Essay
Final Draft Directions: Reflect on the feedback your instructor shared with you on the Week 1 Project rough draft and revise your essay. Edit for APA-style formatting, and proofread carefully for spelling, grammar, and mechanics. Make sure to also consider the suggestions you received from the Smarthinking tutor if you submitted the essay to them back in Week 1.
This handout will explain the details of formatting your essay using APA style. You may create your essay with this APA-formatted template.
A narrative on Council Grove
My town, in particular, Council Grove, Kansas, has achieved significant recognition with The National Historic Society. My neighbors and community especially feel privileged to live in Council Grove, due to the aspects associated both with human history and the physical aspects of the town.
Council Grove is nestled in at the foot of the Flint Hills, and with a population of about 2000 people, one can term it as a relatively small-sized town. The presence of only one grocery store, which serves the entire population well enough exemplifies the size of the town. History of the town indicates that it played a significant role in history, with several different Indian tribes camping along the Neosho River. One of our local restaurants, The Hays House was once owned by Daniel Boones grandson, and in our town other restaurants have invested in providing tourists with the opportunity to experience some of the dishes prepared by individuals in the nineteenth century, which in turn presents an opportunity for such tourists to witness a near-authentic experience of the town’s history.
Few communities in contemporary society have a history as rich as Council Grove, with the history of the town spanning more than two centuries in the contemporary United States. Living in Council Grove, presents an opportunity for personal heritage and pride at the implication it has had on welfare of the United States and different communities therein. This is regarding its role in facilitating the 1825 treaty that helped build bridges between Euro Americans and Kaw Native Americans, ending strife that had marred the region over rights to resources in the region. Considering the importance of the history of American relations with the Native American populations, the history of Council Grove often makes headlines whenever there is some form of discussion in this respect.
Development of such treaties that provided chances of reconciliation between tribes in the community included the opportunities for interaction and use of the physical features to facilitate transport. The name of the town resulted from a council meeting that happened under an oak tree, in a region where a grove of trees provided shelter for artisans involved in repair of wagons in the 1820s. However, when a group of Euro-Americans and Mexicans signed a treaty that provided free passage on the Santa Fe Trail, there was a mark on an oak that named the place Council Grove. The region then ended up morphing into the present-day Council Grove town, which in effect speaks volumes of the town’s development.
In conclusion, my Council Grove is a town rich in history and makes an effort to ensure that visitors to the town can experience much of what the local people know about it. Investments in aspects such as the walkway on the Neosho river gives the individuals on the walkway an opportunity for reflection on what the experiences of the Indians using the river bank as a camping site may have experienced, you can experience seeing the ruts of the wagon wheels that traveled the Santa Fe trail. In essence, Council Grove’s history and environment provide anyone with an opportunity to experience and reflect on history.
Hi Hope,
The development is lovely and the writing is strong. I do need to ask about your connection to the place. The personal elements — of your story — are missing. Try to add those in so that we experience the narrative elements. You can use the week one essay that we read as a guide.
Warmly, Lisa
Additional things to add, Council Grove is a town where neighbors help neighbors, we do not lock our doors, everyone waves to each other., it is not uncommon to see a farm tractor driving on main street. Many of the neighbors and their families here in Council Grove, go back several generation. Council Grove is a community of farmers , you will not meet a neighbor who does not live on a farm or grew up on a farm. Every Tuesday night , the city shuts down main street to have the weekly farmers market, Neighbors still bring casseroles over to neighbors who is going through the loss of a loved one, or a loved one is experiencing some serious health issues. Several times when my father in law was in the hospital, several of the youths in my town, mowed my fathers in law yard, and did some other landscaping. Our community takes care of their own.
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