A)An executive summary of one page ( Company name hewlett Packard)

B) Discuss the internal ( or company and employee benefits) of CSR and sustainability initiatives use the Dannon Case as an example to illustrate the value ofCSR programs, and explain why it was not their Priority to advertise their CSR activities. Explain how a CSR strategy needs to FITa firms management culture.

c) Discuss the emerging opportunities in the evolving “green market” cite strategies and opportunities. As part of this summarize the Clorox case and discuss how they successfully developed green bands. Cite the benefits of these efforts on marketing branding and reputation enhancement.

d) Briefly summarize the company CSR report that you read. Then critique the report of the company that you examined. Explain how the firm defined their specific “responsibility” in the report and any shortcomings.

Is the company doing enough? Is it effective and fully transparent in addressing all social responsibility concerns? What would you suggest that the company needs to do ? do not forget the benefits for both people and planet sustainability is not just about money ( or solely an instrumental benefits to the firm’s shareholders alone.)

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