1.Explain in your own words, per our textbook, what is the dark figure of crime?
2.Go to the following website https://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr_general.html, and explain, in your own words how the NIBRS and the UCR are different.Try to list as many differences as you can.
3.Go to the following website, www.icpsr.umich.edu/NACJ, read through it by clicking on Discover Data. Find any data source that interests you and summarize the findings.
4. If Brad Pitt married Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter, Apple, then her name would be Apple Pitt. And if Apple and Brad went to the La Brea Tar Pits to see the fossils and if Apple decided to sit on the bench to rest and she laid her purse down next to her and some man jumped out of the bushes and grabbed her purse but Apple didn’t even know it was gone, is this robbery? Answer the question just like this -This is robbery because (then explain why it is robbery) or This is not robbery because (then explain why it is not robbery.
6. Make up an example (scenario) of entrapment. Your example needs to explain what entrapment is, and don’t forget the elements of entrapment.
7. Using the UCR/NIBRS definitions for the following crimes, make up your own example/scenario describing the crimes below by using the elements to explain the crimes;
a. murder b. rape c. mvt d. robbery.
8.Go to http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Myth-of-the-T… and summarize the article and include your impression of the case.
9. Find a recent (within a week from today) a current event/article about crime. Summarize the article to explain what crime was committed and the facts of the case. Your current event can be from the internet or the newspaper. Make sure you attach it to your paper.
10. Watch the following video at the link below, then answer the questions below:
How does the First Amendment begin?
Pick either a, b, c, or d.
a.“Four score and seven years ago….”
b.“When in the course of human events…”
c.“Freedom of speech and of the press shall not be abridged…”
d.“Congress shall make no law…..”
13. The 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes it clear that no person may be tried twice for the same offense, which is known as ______________ _________________.
14. Make up an example (scenario) of the term probable cause.
15. What didn’t you like about chapters 1, 2, or 3?
16. Make up an example of probable cause ?
18. What is the difference between procedural and administrative law?
19. What did you like best about chapters 1, 2 or 3?
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