In this assignment you will create a web page that simply displays a few of the new CSS properties you learned about in this unit. You will write the CSS rules in a separate file and then link that file to an HTML document that contains the HTML 5 template.
- Create an external style sheet using a text editor of your choosing. In the CSS file add the following style rules:
- Create a class named yellow with the following style rules: a yellow background color, black text color, 10 pixels of padding on all sides, a 2 pixel wide, solid, black border, and a width of 500 pixels.
- Create an id named wrapper that is configured with a max-width of 900px and centered.
- Create a class named dotted with the following style rules: a dotted bottom border only that is 2 pixels wide and black, margin of 25 pixels on all sides, and a width of 500 pixels.
- Create a class named rounded that configures border radius values of your choosing.
- Create a class named shadow that configures a box shadow with values of your choosing.
- Create a class named seethrough with the following style rules: a background color of red, text color of white, 500 pixels of width, a 3 pixel wide, solid, gray border, 50 pixels of margin on the top only, and 50% opacity.
- Save this style sheet as styles.css
- Create a web page to display the CSS rules you just created using the HTML 5 template as a starting point. The web page should be linked to the styles.css style sheet. The web page needs the following content.
- A <div> of id wrapper right under the <body> tag that doesn’t close until right before the </body> tag.
- A heading that reads Random CSS Rules on Display!, placed in an <h1> element with a class of dotted.
- Write a brief paragraph that explains the differences between the width, max-width, and min-width properties, and place this paragraph in a <p> element that has classes of yellow and rounded.
- Write another brief paragraph that explains what the box-shadow property is used for, and place this paragraph in a <p> element that has a classes of yellow and shadow.
- Write one last brief paragraph that explains what the opacity property is used for, and place this paragraph in a <p> element that has a class of seethrough.
- Somewhere in your code place an HTML comment with you name, assignment name, and date.
- Save this web page as morecss.html
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