Research two articles concerning information systems development and project management. Drawing on these two articles, your textbook, and other sources, write an essay that addresses the following:
- Provide a well-formulated thesis statement in your introduction paragraph.
- Explain how a business user could be involved in the core activities of building an information system.
- Analyze how software development methodologies (such as agile development) can work in tandem with project management for the benefit of both information systems development projects and organizations.
- Evaluate how project managers and/or IT managers can ensure that information system development projects are in alignment with business strategies and goals.
- Summarize your findings in a five-page paper using proper APA formatting.
Essay must be at least five pages in length and in APA format. You are required to use the two outside articles. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.
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