Reading about The Qualities of the Prince “Niccolo Machiavelli”
Pre-reading Questions
1.Why does Machiavelli praise skill in warfare in his opening pages?
2.Is it better for a prince to be loved or to be feared? Explain.
Questions for Critical Reading
1.The usual criticism of Machiavelli is that he advices his prince to be unscrupulous. Find examples for and against this claim.
2.Why do you agree or disagree with Machiavelli when he asserts that the great majority ofpeople are not good? Does our government assume that to be true too?
3.Politicians – especially heads to state – are the contemporary counterparts of the prince. To what extent should successful heads of modern states show skill in war? Is modern war similar to wars in Machiavelli era? If so, in what ways?
4. clarify the advice machiavelli gives concerning liberality and stinginess. is this still good advice?
5. Are modern politicians likely to succeed by following all or most of Machiavelli’s recommendations? why or why not?
6. define the terms ends and means and explain why they are important machiavelli advice with the behavior of a specific politicians-past or present.
8. under what political circumstances might the ends justify the means Under what politica?
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