Section I
Directions: Be able to identify each of the people/objects/places/terms/events below. In a short answer, explain why are they significant and how they influenced Early Western History?
- Socrates
- The Republic
- Aristophanes
- Cimon
- Herodotus
- Hoplite
- Thermopylae
- Mytilene
- Ostraca
- The Troads
- The Pythia
- Doric
- Fertile Crescent
- Marathon
- Arētē
- Helots
- Magnae Graecia
- The Parthenon
- Alcibiades
- Alexandria
Section II
Directions: Be prepared to answer the following questions. Answer the question completely and include some discussion of primary sources, where appropriate, to support your answer.
- 1. How did the geographic landscape of the Greeks influence their society?
2. Discuss the importance of Greek drama on our understanding of events and politics during the Golden Age of Athens.
3. Discuss the importance of the hoplite.
4. Do you think Periclean Athens can be considered a Golden Age?
5. Explain the concept of arētē as portrayed in the Iliad and how it shaped Greek culture.?
6. How did Alexander the Great’s conquests alter the political and cultural landscape of the Afro-Eurasian world? Was he truly ‘Great’? - 7. Discuss the major philosophies developing in Greece.
8. Describe the development of democracy in Athens and the problems of imperialism.
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