Question One: Do we really need a major change in the way the IS function is structured…are the necessary changes just minor modifications to accommodate normal growth in computer uses…what are your thoughts / research in this regard?

Question Two: A vision is not the responsibility of the CIO…it is the responsibility of the CEO or the top management team…do you agree or disagree…why?

Question Three: Companies are using eBusiness applications to build profiles of customers…privacy advocates consider this practice to be dangerous…do you agree…where do you draw the line…why?

Question Four: Which of the frameworks for systems planning seem most useful to you…why?

Question Five: Web services sounds way too complex to be viable…how are little chunks of code from many organizations really going to work together and provide a reliable and secure computing environment?

Question Six: Although having a wireless device is handy, it is also an intrusion…people need some privacy…they should not always be reachable…what are your thoughts in this regard?

Question Seven: Technology does not change culture…do you agree or disagree to this statement…why?

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