Consider yourself an entry-level programmer. You have been tasked with the planning and development of a console program that allows one to introduce themselves. The necessary steps and features are described below.
- Prepare pseudocode identifying the steps that are needed for this application to work.
- The application should prompt the user for the following information:
- Name
- Whether or not he or she has programming experience
- How many years of programming experience
- One item about the person that he or she wishes to share (interests, hobbies, etc.).
- You need to determine what variables are needed, as well as the corresponding data types you will use for each.
- Identify the sequence of the questions you are going to ask and also what the resulting output will look like summarizing the user information.
- Write a C# console application that implements the pseudocode.
Once you have installed the software and prepared the C# console program, discuss your questions and issues. Describe your experiences. What did you find the most interesting and exciting about these activities? What would you recommend to someone who needs to go through this process as your best practices?
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