Week 1 discussion deals with systems and its vulnerabilities. A computer system is defined as: A system of interconnected computers that share a central storage system and various peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, or routers. Each computer may contain an operating system so that it can either operate independently or in conjunction with other computers. Based on the definition above please provide an example of a system, a system that you may have used before. Please answer the following based on your example:
- The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database is available for researching vulnerabilities that have been identified and categorized in a system. Use the CVE database to search for your example and identify any recent (within 6 months) vulnerabilities that may exist.
- Additionally, research the vendor of the system to identify any solutions or fixes that may have been noted for the vulnerability identified. Please list your system and the vulnerabilities discovered for that system.
- Based on your research, you should also provide some comments on your findings.
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