Question 2: Discuss how the shift from making ‘market entry’ decisions to ‘continuous operations’ decisions creates a need for different types of information and data
Question 3: discuss the breadth and scope of international marketing research. Why is international marketing research generally broader in scope than domestic marketing research?
Question 5: What is the task of the international-marketing research? How is it complicated by the foreign environment?
6. Discuss the stages of the research process in relation to the problems encountered. Give examples
7.Why is the formulation of the research problem difficult in foreign market research?
8.Discuss the problems of gathering secondary data in foreign markets
10.What are some problems created by language and the ability to comprehend the questions in collecting primary data? How can a foreign market research overcome these difficulties?
12.Discuss when qualitative research may be more effective than quantitative research?
15. The foreign market research must possess three essential capabilities to generate meaningful marketing information. Discus
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