Starts Oct 5, 2019 11:59 PM
For this discussion activity, your instructor will divide the class into groups of three and assign each group member one of three estate tax planning considerations relevant to the situation of Andy, one of the owners of Tai-Ga in the final project scenario.
After you are assigned to a group and a tax consideration by your instructor, create a discussion post that fully addresses the assigned one of the three following estate tax planning considerations for Andy from the final project scenario:
- The amount of estate tax attributable to Andy’s ownership interest (assume that, because of the value of other assets owned by Andy and his wife, 100% of the value of Andy’s Tai-Ga ownership interest will be taxable, and that Andy and his wife own the Tai-Ga interest jointly)
- A recommendation for methods to reduce the taxable value of the estate
- A recommendation for methods to structure payment of the estate tax due after Andy passes away (assume that any payment by the purchaser of Andy’s ownership interest in Tai-Ga will be made in equal annual payments at an 8% interest rate over a period of 10 years.)
Be sure to do the following:
- Provide a thorough, accurate, and appropriate analysis of all of the factors related to your assigned consideration.
- Explain how relevant tax law and regulation apply to your consideration.
- Justify your conclusion using credible, relevant, and scholarly resources as supporting evidence.
This is a group activity. For more information on groups, please see About Group Work.
To complete this assignment, review the Module Nine Small Group Discussion Guidelines and Rubric document.
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