Design a plan for conducting business and managing employees in a global society.
Scenario Information
You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diversity areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources.
Diversity Areas (Select one, and continue to use for all modules)
RACE. Same as before
Sexual orientation
- Instructions
Now that you have selected your area of diverse concentration, you are now tasked with designing a plan to aid your selected group in the organization’s workforce. Your CEO has asked you to develop a diversity plan for your diversity area. The following questions should be included in your 3-5 page report. The report should be in proper APA format.
- Introduce your diversity area and importance for diversity planning.
- What are some of the steps you would include in your diversity plan?
- What would be some of the challenges in the implementation of your plan in the US workforce, and in a global workforce?
- What would be some of your control measures used to ensure your plan’s success? Remember this should go beyond being legally compliant.
Conclude your diversity plan.
Grading Rubric
FFCBA01234No PassNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedIntroduction did not summarize the selected diverse group.Introduction included a diverse plan for the selected diverse group.Introduction included a diverse plan for the diverse group using clear examples.Introduction included a diverse plan for the diverse group using clear examples and well-defined synopsis of the report goals.Not SubmittedOne or unclear steps of the diversity plan were represented for the diverse group selected.Steps of the plan were selected and discussed using the diverse group selected.Steps of the plan were selected and discussed using the diverse group selected using clear examples.Steps of the plan were selected and discussed using the diverse group selected using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedDid not clearly identify challenges of a diversity plan in either, or only one type of workforce.Identifies challenges of a diversity plan in both the global workforce and US.Identifies challenges of a diversity plan in both the global workforce and using clear examples.Identifies challenges of a diversity plan in both the global workforce and US using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedDid not clearly identify control measures for a diversity plan.Identifies control measures for a diversity plan.Identifies control measures for a diversity plan using clear examples.Identifies control measures for a diversity plan using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedNo noticeable attempts to summarize or conclude report were included.Conclusion summarized the benefits and steps of the diversity plan.Conclusion summarized the benefits and steps of the diversity plan using clear examples.Conclusion summarized the benefits and steps of the diversity plan using clear examples and demonstrated understanding of importance of having a diversity plan in the workplace
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