It’s fascinating to see the advancements within Cryptography all the way back to Greeks and Spartans using cyphers to transmit messages to the new algorithms that can take billions of years to crack. Cryptography helps add a deterrent to attackers potentially making the time it would take to crack the encryption longer than the life span of the data itself. For example, your credit card information usually expires every three or so years which you then get a new one. Say if a packet of encrypted data that was stolen lies your credit card information. Depending on the encryption method used it could take a long time to decrypt but by the time they did the information inside would be useless. In other classes, I have taken this is one of the security strategies used not only to make it not worth someone’s time but to also give enough time to identify and catch the hacker. It’s a very interesting topic in my opinion and would love to hear other opinions on it.
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