- compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030, which you locate in the Saudi Digital Library. Your essay must include the following:
- Title page;
- Introductory paragraph (a brief paragraph that simply and succinctly introduces the topic);
- Body (a series of cohesive paragraphs that include in-text citations and further discuss the topic (this is where your critical analysis comes in with support by the in-text citations);
- Concluding paragraph (a brief paragraph that summarizes the information, refers back to the introductory paragraph, or offers a future outcome of the information presented in the essay body); and
- Reference page(s) formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA standards.
Learning Outcomes
- Locate appropriate, credible source information.
- Evaluate source information from a variety of credible sources.
- Identify basic APA style documentation and formatting rules.
- Use information responsibly by giving credit where it is due and citing sources accurately and in the proper format.
- Compose a critical analysis essay.
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