please read instructions carefully easy essay just needs to follow instructions.
Essay1: Textual Analysis
In an essay of 750 words or more, write a critical analysis of one of the texts listed below (on Bb). The goals of the assignment are to closely read the text, analyze the techniques and choices made by the author, and assess the writer’s ability to convey his or her message. Your audience are your classmates who may have or have not read the article being analyzed. You are not required to use any outside sources in the essay. Use APA style in formatting your paper. Follow the guidelines for writing the analysis.
Schlosser, E. (2002). Why the fries taste good. In Fast food nation: the dark side of the all-American meal. Retrieved from
2. Wallace, D.F. (2004). Consider the lobster. Gourmet,64(8). Retrieved from
Important Dates:
First draft due: 25th Sep., 2017 (Submit the draft on Bb and bring an electronic copy to class for peer review)
Final draft due: 2nd October, 2017 (Submit on Bb)
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the essay, you should:
• Be able to compose a critique, “a formalized, critical reading of a passage”
• Be able to formulate an interesting and convincing argument
• Be able to use reasons and evidence to defend your argument
• Be able to write summary and paraphrase and accurately integrate quotations into your narrative
Guidelines for Writing the Analysis:
Section One: Introduce and Situate.
Introduce both the passage under analysis and the author. State the author’s main argument and the point(s) you intend to make about it. This will be your thesis, and it should contain both a claim and a reason that takes a stand on whether the author achieved his or her purpose.
Provide background material to help your readers understand the relevance or appeal of the work. This background material might include one or more of the following: an explanation of why the subject was of interest, a reference to a possible controversy surrounding the subject of the work or the work itself; biographical information about the author; an account of the circumstances under which the work was written; a reference to the intended audience of the work.
Section Two: Summarize.
Summarize the author’s main points, making sure to state the author’s purpose for writing. Also include the author’s thesis or main claim. Don’t belabor this section, and don’t let it consume your critique. One to two paragraphs is sufficient.
Section Three: Assess the Presentation.
Evaluate the validity of the author’s presentation, as distinct from your points of agreement or disagreement. Comment on the author’s success in achieving his or her purpose by reviewing three or four specific points. Youmight base your review on some of the following questions:
1. Is the information accurate?
2. Is the information significant?
3. Has the author defined his or her terms clearly?
4. Has the author used and interpreted information fairly?
5. Has the author left out any important information?
6. How effective is the language the author uses? Is it too formal? Too informal? Perfectly appropriate (for the audience)?
7. Has the author used logos? Does he give enough and convincing reasons?
8. What kinds of evidence does the author use to support his claims? Does he use statistics? Quotes from experts? Personal anecdotes or personal stories? Does he/she cite books or articles?
9. How appropriate or effective is this evidence? Would a different type of evidence, or some combination of evidence, be more effective?
10. Does the argument have any logical fallacies?
11. How has the writer connected himself to the topic being discussed?
12. Are the author’s sources credible?
13. Are vivid examples, details and images used to engage the reader’s emotions and imagination?
14. Does the writer appeal to the values and beliefs of the reader by using examples readers can relate to or care about?
Section Four: Respond to the Presentation.
Now it is your turn to respond to the author’s views. With which views do you agree? With which do you disagree? It’s okay to agree with some points and disagree with others. Just make sure you provide your reasons.
Section Five: Conclude.
State your conclusions about the overall validity of the work–your assessment of the author’s success at achieving his or her aims and your reactions to the author’s views. Remind the reader of the weaknesses and strengths of the passage.
Tips for Writing Essay 3
1. You may use the first person in writing your critique.
2. Since a critique is a “formalized close reading” of a text that you produce, there is no requirement to use secondary sources to support your claims. Your judgments, rather than the opinions of others, are central to writing a critique. But you may find that when you assess the context of the piece, you need to cite facts or other responses to the work. If that is the case, feel free to incorporate secondary sources. Make sure you cite them correctly.
3. Make sure you quote from the work you are critiquing or paraphrase and summarize where it would be more appropriate to do so. Avoid quoting lengthy passages from these texts.
4. This is not a 5-paragraph essay. Make sure you have one or two paragraphs for each section in the essay. Since it’s easy to confuse summary with analysis, keep the summary and analysis sections distinct. However, don’t include headings in the essay.
Important Essay Requirements:
▪ Length will be 750-1000 words (note word count at end of each draft)
▪ Use 12 point Times New Roman font, double-space, 1” margins
▪ Provide a suitable title for your essay and a title page according to APA formatting guidelines. Your personal details : name, course, instructor and date of submission should be centered under the title on the title page ( see APA formatting style at Don’t forget the running head and page number.
▪ Provide a References page, if needed, for each of the two drafts you will submit.
▪ Your essay should be carefully proofread and checked for typing and other errors before submission
Criteria for Evaluation
You will be graded on the following content areas and writing skills:
• Reflect clear understanding of the chosen audience, form of writing and purpose
• Ability to select evidence appropriate for the audience
• Ability to write in a voice and form appropriate for the audience
• Ability to smoothly integrate quotations, paraphrase, and summary
• Ability to craft a clearly worded and complete thesis that establishes a persuasive argument
• Body of writing successfully defends the thesis
• Contains an engaging introduction and conclusion
Writing Skills
• Demonstrates significant revision based on peer comments on draft
• Writer complies with the rules of Standard Written English
• Paragraphs are well-developed and tightly focused
• Writer uses a variety of sentence structures and lengths
• Writer uses a variety of techniques to convey a personal style and voice.
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