Early social norms, before the emergence of the criminal justice system, resorted to the support of family and friends in finding and exacting revenge against those who had victimized them. Eventually, crimes came to be viewed as offenses against society. Modern day philosophy has evolved to recognize the need for the system to focus upon the victim as someone more than a mere witness or the target of criminal activity. Many states now have evidence rules that prohibit the introduction of certain types of conduct, statements, and offers made by the defendant to the crime victim. Some states have built the philosophy of victims’ rights into statutes, which call for specific rights of protection, notice, and reparation to victims. Some states have even ratified constitutional amendments to protect the rights of victims.
In your main post, with respect to prohibiting the introduction of certain types of conduct, statements, and offers made by the defendant to the crime victim, discuss the following:
- Examine whether evidence rules prohibiting the introduction of certain types of conduct, statements, and offers made by the defendant to the crime victim exist in your state with respect to victims.
- Determine why such evidence should be excluded if it is relevant to whether the defendant committed the offense.
- Explore the public policy reasons that exist for excluding such evidence.
- Evaluate the effect such rules have on your duties as a criminal justice professional.
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