This lab will introduce Adobe Photoshop to manipulate digital pictures. The digital picture(s) will be manipulated with Photoshop and then imported into a PowerPoint document. A 30-day free trial download of Adobe Photoshop is available for download online. There is a link in Blackboard under Labs / Software Downloads.
Create three digital images from one digital photograph.
1. Select a digital photo that you have available to you. The photo should show you (and possibly friends and/or family).
2. Edit and modify your image using photo editing software. Select Start/Programs/Adobe Photoshop. Now click File/Open, and select the directory where your digital image is stored. (Flash drive, tiger account, etc. Choose your digital photo and open the file.
3. Create Picture 1
a. Select only part of your digital image by cropping your picture. Click the crop tool (the interlocked corners).
b. Right-clicking on any tool will bring up a brief description and other options for the tool. Use the mouse to draw a rectangle around the section of your picture you would like to cut out, and then select Image/Crop selection. If you want to re-draw the rectangle, just click the crop tool again and select “don’t crop”.
c. Save your picture. Use File / Save As to savethis picture on your flash drive or computer as mypict1.jpg.
4. Create Picture 2
a. Apply special effects to your picture.Select Filterfrom the file menu and experiment with various special effects. If you don’t like what you selected, the effect can easily be undone by selecting Edit/Undo from the file menu.
b. Use the text tool (the T) to write the special effect you used on your picture; make sure to use a colorthat is easily visible and adjust the sizeand color of the text. Properties for each individual tool are always shown right below the file menu. Name the special effect your chose. Notice that Photoshop has created a new layer to store the text you typed. You can see the layers to the right of your picture. If you don’t see the layers displayed, select Window/Layers from the file menu to view the layer controls.
c. Saveyour picture. Use File / Save As to save this picture on your flash drive or folder as mypict2.jpg.
5. Create Picture 3
a. Create a frame for your picture. Use the original picture for this step. Select File/Open, and select your original photograph. To create a framewe will work with layers. Make sure that you can see the layers to the right of your picture. If you don’t see the layers and layer controls displayed, select Window/Layers from the file menuto view the layers and layer controls. Insert a new layerby clicking the new layer button at the very bottom of the layer control window, left of the garbage can.
You should now see an additional layer (Layer 1) right above the layer containing our picture in the layer control window.
b. Select Edit/Fill, click the drop down box under Use and select white or any color of your choice to fill the layer with color. The layer with color fill is now your top layer and covers the actual picture. To see the picture, click the eyeball to the left of the color layer (this will make the layer temporarily invisible). Make sure that this layer is still selected (showing highlighted in blue) before you go to the next step.
c. Use the marquee tool (the dashed rectangle to the top of the tool bar) to select a cutout selection of your picture that will be framed. If you right-click on the marquee tool, you can select between a rectangle and an oval cutout.
d. Make the color frame layer visible again by clicking in the eyeball field of the color layer. You now see the oval that we used to highlight our selection in the photograph. Select Edit/Cut, and the oval in the color frame layer will be cut out. Use File / Save As to save the picture to your flash drive or folder as mypict3.jpg.
Create a PowerPoint Presentation with our new three digital images
1. You now have three picture files: mypict1.jpg, mypict2.jpg, and mypict3.jpg. In the next step, you will create a digital photo album using Microsoft PowerPoint.
2. Start Programs / Microsoft PowerPoint. Type the following title on the title slide: Joe Student (Use your name instead of Joe Student) and Digital Photo Album.
3. Insert a new slide and use the two-column layout. Write Introduction in the title bar. In the left column, introduce yourself by writing your full Name, Major, and Academic Year. Use the right column to insert the first picture you produced (the cropped picture). Use Insert/Picture/From File, navigate to the location of your picture and select your cropped picture.
4. Insert a new slide and use the two-column layout. Write something about your picture. Insert your special effects picture. (Hint: if you can’t see your .psd files, make sure when you select Insert/Picture/From File to select “allfiles” under file name in the open file dialog box).
5. Insert a new slide, this time using the regular title and text layout. Insert your framed picture. (Hint: if you can’t see your .psd files, make sure when you select Insert/Picture/From File to select “allfiles” under file name in the open file dialog box).
6. Save your PowerPoint presentation and submit it to Blackboard using the instructions below.
Note: Keep all your .jpg and .psd files, they may be used in future labs.
Submitting your file
1. Access Blackboard and login.
2. Select the Manipulating Digital Pictures assignment.
3. Use the Browse button to select the location of your file. Select the file to be submitted.
4. Press Submit
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