Use the model deliberative process described in this chapter to analyze whether “the system” could have saved Brittany Jacks, Tatiana Jacks, N’Kia Fogle, and Aja Fogle.

1. What aspects of formal structure, organizational culture, and managerial competence and judgement do you observe in this case? As part of answering this question, identify the public managers and the frontline workers, where they work, and the roles they play.

2. What role does the rule of law play in this case?

3. Reflecting on your answers to the previous questions, consider the following:

a. Did any DC government agency have the power to prevent the deaths of the four girls? Why or why not?

b. Which of the distinctive challenges of public management, discussed in this chapter, are illustrated by this case?

c. Would the outcome have been the same had the private sector (for-profit or non-profit organizations) run the agencies with which the family interacted? Why or why not?

d. Who should be held accountable for the girls’ death? Why?

4. Drawing on you analysis above, what changes can realistically be implemented to reduce the likelihood of tragedies like this happening again? Can the possibility of such tragedies be completely eliminated?

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