Provide an example of a situation where you encountered (or an example on television or friend/family experienced, etc.) hate speech or loaded language. Describe that situation fully since I wasn’t there with details of nonverbal communication signals, was it hate speech or loaded language (specify which and why), and other details. How did that language impact you/the person? What could improve that verbal communication within that situation? Provide an analysis of the situation with what we learned this week through readings/textbook. After sharing and analyzing the situation consider these statements from the textbook: Chapter 3, “there is no intrinsic meaning in phenomena but that humans actively construct meanings and attach values”. Chapter 4, “language is powerful and that values inherent in the words we use shape our perceptions and those of others.” Do these two statements contradict or correlate to each other? What things have we learned this far that help support your answer? How does these statements relate back to the situation with hate speech or loaded language? Your paper should be 300 – 500 words (roughly 1 – 2 pages double spaced) double spaced and font Times New Roman size 12.

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