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You are required to attend at least one live non-Western musical event and write a Concert Report. If you go to three or more events, I will waive your concert report, or you can earn extra credit. Check the “Concert Information” page for events.
The report should be typed in a 12-point font and in double-spaced format. The length of the report should be at least 500 words and must include a word count. Please include three clearly marked sections:
Part 1. Describe the concert in as much detail as possible. Report on the instruments, whether there were singers, the mood and style of the music, the costumes worn by performers, and anything interesting about the event. Identify all works performed and comment on any cultural traits you notice.
Part 2. Discuss the music. Compare the features of the two pieces on the program that you found the most striking or interesting. If possible, relate the music heard at the concert to the music we have studied in class, utilizing correct terminology.
Part 3. Give your personal assessment of the experience. What surprised you the most? What did you like most? What did you like the least? Based on this experience, would you go to another concert?
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