I have attached the answers from my classmate. She got a 71%…I need an A+…the answers she got wrong are at the top of the document, So do not use those answers. AND YOU CANNOT COPY THE CORRECT ANSWERS WORD FOR WORD (plagiarism)!!! LASTLY, you MUST CITE THE BOOK FOR EVERY ANSWER LIKE MY CLASSMATE OR WE GET A ZERO…YOU CANNOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES OTHER THAN THE BOOK REFERENCE!!! WILL SEND BOOK LOGIN

Directions: The research questions below are used as examples throughout this chapter. Identify the appropriate statistical test for each question by using both decision-making tools from Chapter 2.

1. To what degree do undergraduate GPA scores predict graduate GPA?

2. Do three types of counseling significantly affect self-esteem and self-efficacy?

3. What are the causal effects between number of appointment absences and reported illness and life satisfaction among mental health clients?

4. Do males and females have significantly different self-efficacy scores?

5. What is the relationship between self-esteem scores and self-efficacy scores?

6. Which of the four risk-taking behaviors, amount of alcohol use, drug use, sexual activity, violence, distinguish between THREE groups: and suicide attempters who are not successful; suicide attempters who are successful, and those who have not attempted suicide?

7. Does marital status including married, separated and divorced, significantly affect self-self-esteem scores and depression scores after controlling for the effect of gender?

8. Does ethnicity significantly affect self-esteem scores and self-efficacy scores controlling for the effect of family income?

9. Which risk-taking behaviors, amount of alcohol use, drug use, sexual activity, and violence, best predicts depression scores among adolescents?

10. Do three groups of mental health clients with low, middle, and high incomes have significantly different life satisfaction scores?

11. Does ethnicity and gender significantly affect self-esteem scores and life satisfaction scores?

12. To what extent do certain risk-taking behaviors including amount of alcohol use, drug use, sexual activity, increase the odds ratio for TWO GROUPS: suicide attempters AND NON-suicide attempters.

13. Do ethnicity and gender significantly affect self-esteem scores and life satisfaction scores controlling for age?

14. What underlying structure exists among the variables of amount of alcohol use, drug use, family income, depression scores and self-efficacy scores?

Please number from 1-14 and please use page numbers in your final reference to our text.

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