Principles of A&P II (Biol 2114)
Albany Technical College
Nutrition and Metabolism
Instructions: Please place your first and last name, the due date, and the name of the assignment: CardiovascularOutline in the upper right-hand corner of every assignment (-5 if missing). Please type in black ink using Times New Romans with 12-point font (-10 if incorrect).If anything is ADDED to the heading, you will receive a 5-point penalty for not following directions.
Please use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar (-2 point for every error). Please paraphrase a summary regarding the Nutrition and Metabolism in your own words. No credit will be awarded for any copied answers and/or cut and pasted summaries. Also, at the end of the assignment, you must reference your source; which is the textbook for the activity. If the reference is not present at the end of the assignment, a penalty will be applied to the overall grade (-10 if missing). Make sure to reference the source using APA style and not MLA. If you don’t reference the source using APA style, a penalty will be applied to the overall grade (-5 if not APA Style).Please see the projected learning schedule for the due and time.
The summary should be in your own words. The summaryshould include the following topics in the chapter:carbohydrates-proteins, energy expenditures, appetite control, vitamins, minerals, healthy eating, and life-span changes. If any of the following topics are not included in the outline, a penalty will be applied to the overall grade (-10 per section not covered).
Use your textbook to avoid confusion regarding the required information for the outline. If information is not accurate, a 2-point penalty will be applied to the incorrect content. Again, utilize your book to avoid confusion.
If a summary is not provided and information is presented another way, a 50-point penalty will be applied to the overall grade for not following directions.
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