Only have one hour Question 1 (10 points) Write a method that computes the average of the values in an array of doubles. The header of the method is as follows: public static double average(double[] x) Question 2 (20 points) Write a complete Java class that will create a 2D array of randomly generated ints with dimensions of 5 rows and 10 columns. Print the values of each cell to a 5×10 table. (Note: a complete Java class means the code should compile and run without issue. Be sure the output displays a set of random ints formatted in 5 rows by 10 columns. Question 3 (5 points) You have an int array named examScores that is 1000 elements in length. Provide a single line of code that would sort the examScores. (Note: You do not need to provide the import statements supporting the line of code) Question 4 (5 points) You have an int array named examScore that is 100 elements in length. Provide a single line of code that would search the examScores for values that are 50. (Note: You do not need to provide the import statements supporting the line of code) Question 5 (10 points) Describe an application that would be a good choice for using 3D array. Provide the size of the array and the most likely data type. Provide the specific Java nested loop you would use to populate the array elements with random values.
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