Journal Assignment Grading:
- Each question is worth 20 points.
- Each assignment is given equal weight out of 100 points.; each question is worth 20 points. If a question is not answered, no points will be received for that response. Each question is weighted equally.
1. How was the police-community relations (PCR) movement different from modern community policing? Why did the PCR movement fail?
2. Explain why it is essential that the police maintain positive relationships with the community, press and the media.
3. Describe the affect the Internet and social media has on the law enforcement. What roll do they play in investigating, and solving crime?
4. What are solvability factors and how has using them changed investigations?
5. Describe the evolution of police patrol operations and the activities involved in police function? How did the Kansas City Study affect the prevailing views of random routine patrol?
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