1. An aircraft traveling East at 300 mph experiences a tailwind blowing at 20 mph. Sketch the vectors. What is the resultant speed of the aircraft? (4 pts)

2. An aircraft traveling East at 200 mph experiences a cross wind blowing at 60 mph due North. (a) Find the new direction of the plane in degrees. (b) Find the resultant speed of the aircraft. (6 pts

3. Prolonged pressure on the skin has the potential to limit the flow of blood to the area and lead to pressure sores. This is likely to occur when the applied pressure exceeds the systolic pressure for extended periods. If the patient exerts a weight of 20 kg over a 10 cm x 10 cm area of his skin, calculate the force in Newtons that is exerted on this region of the skin. Show your work and report your answer to 3 significant figures. (4 pts)

4. For the patient in question 8, what is the pressure exerted on this region of skin? Based on the patient’s systolic blood pressure, is this pressure high enough to limit the flow of blood to this region of the skin? Show your work and report your answer to 3 significant figures.(3 pts)

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