In this Session Long Project you will develop a series of reflective essays that closely examine the extent and manner in which “leadership” roles/responsibilities within your own educational setting illustrate the various facets of strategic leadership that are examined in each module. The general topic and detailed expectations are provided for you on each module’s Session Long Project page.

Essay Three: Change Management

This next reflective essay should include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Describe specific strategic practices used by leaders to facilitate change within your your workplace or school setting.
  • To what extent and in what manner do these practices facilitate change in a seamless manner?
  • What could be done differently to facilitate change in a more seamless manner?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Before submitting your work for my review, refine and edit your work in accordance with the following expectations:

  1. Does your work address each of the above items in a thorough and detailed manner?
  2. Do you cite supporting references for all key points made throughout your essay?
  3. Does your work demonstrate an in-depth understanding of this aspect of strategic leadership?
  4. Does your work demonstrate graduate-level writing skills in a well-developed scholarly essay consisting of the following:
    • Introductory paragraph explicitly stating the topic of the essay.
    • Well-developed body paragraphs consisting of a topic sentence followed by corresponding detail sentences explicating the specified topic.
    • Concluding paragraph highlighting the key points that were made throughout the essay.
    • Final page listing all references cited throughout the essay.
  5. General Formatting
    • APA style
    • 2-3 pages in length
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