Historically the intersections of class, race/ethnicity, and gender have been absent from criminological discussions. As a result, the true nature of class, race/ethnicity, and gender and their influence on policy remain dismal. Given what you have read this week, provide an analysis of the impact that the intersection of class, race/ethnicity, and gender have on criminological perspectives. Be sure to include references from the Barack chapter, the Reiman Appendix II and the Burgess-Proctor article.


Barak – Chapter 1 and Reiman – Appendix II

Simpson, Sally S., and Lori Elis. 1995. “Doing Gender: Sorting Out the Caste and Crime Conundrum.” Criminology 33: 47-81.

Burgess-Proctor, Amanda. 2006. “Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Crime: Future Directions for Feminist Criminology.” Feminist Criminology 1: 27-47.

Barak Book: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Jcy-AAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=class+race+gender+crime+barak&ots=wCkBCF4mn1&sig=smPr1VqjhdYF1A_1wDa5nktxhHE#v=onepage&q&f=false

Word Count: 300

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In a Word document, address the following prompts:

  • Elaborate on etiology, stressors, problems of addiction, dependence, and relapse in the U.S. currently.
  • Discuss potential objective physical and mental examination findings when examining a client with a substance abuse issues with rationales.
  • Discuss the neurobiological mechanism that underlies the addictive behavior reinforcing properties.
  • What are the first-line pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy interventions with implications for monitoring (for alcohol and for opioid abuse).

Post your completed Word document to this discussion forum.

Use APA format with reference list (two to three books and/or articles). 3 references

Please use articles enclosed and put many in text citations.



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Trauma Case Paper Assignment

Length: 6 pages

Format: APA format

You are tasked with writing an evaluation on behalf of Kalief Browder for his civil proceedings against the state of New York. You will be making assessment of his post-traumatic stress and providing recommendations in your expert opinion. Please review the written article about Kalief Browder in blackboard for more information on Kalief.Your evaluation should use the following subheadings.

Introduction and Purpose: Indicate that you have been retained by Kalief Browder and his legal team to assess his symptoms of post-traumatic stress and provide recommendations.

History: Please give as thorough a history of Kalief as you can from in class material and online article on blackboard. This is basically his life story. Here you simply state events and circumstances not psychological symptoms. This history should include birth up to his release from Rikers Island.Please make sure you include family history, education history, and important interpersonal relationships.

Psychological Symptoms: In this section please describe psychological symptoms Kalief displayed before, during and after his imprisonment in Rikers. Feel free to connect these symptoms to the history described above. Please use Kalief’s own words in “” when possible. Please use collateral informants ( mother, siblings, community members) own words in “” when possible.DO NOT USE DIAGNOSTIC LANGUAGE

Strengths and Resilience: Here clearly state Kalief’s strengths and factors for resilience.

Definition of Traumatic Stress and Case Conceptualization: Here define what you mean by traumatic stress and clearly explain if you feel Kalief suffers from post-traumatic stress and how this connects to his psychological symptoms mentioned above. DO NOT USE DIAGNOSTIC LANGAUGE.

Recommendations: This section should include a lengthy list of recommendations for Kalief. These should be holistic and cross several sections of Kalief’s life and involve multiple social systems.Be creative and think about what’s best for Kalief based on his suffering.

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There are several ways of dealing with conflict. The styles that we may use to deal with conflict depend upon the type of conflict, the relationship and our own personal conflict styles. Identify and discuss the personal conflict styles including the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Research this topic both in your textbook and in at least three additional sources. Write a scholarly article in APA format containing 300 to 400 words. When you are finished deposit your article in your journal in the classroom.

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In this assignment, you will choose a scenario with data – from one of 5 options provided at the end of these directions under Project Topics – and you will construct a paper that pulls together the statistics you have learned in order to answer a question. You will: 1. Introduce the main question, and explain the data that you will use to address it 2. Organize your data by providing appropriate charts, graphs and descriptive statistics 3. Analyze your data by conducting a hypothesis test 4. State your conclusions and recommendations See the section Outline Of Material To Present below for a more detailed explanation of what you will submit for each of these four sections.

In this assignment, you will choose a scenario with data – from one of 5 options provided at the end of these directions under Project Topics – and you will construct a paper that pulls together the statistics you have learned in order to answer a question. You will: 1. Introduce the main question, and explain the data that you will use to address it 2. Organize your data by providing appropriate charts, graphs and descriptive statistics 3. Analyze your data by conducting a hypothesis test 4. State your conclusions and recommendations See the section Outline Of Material To Present below for a more detailed explanation of what you will submit for each of these four sections. The topics that you may choose from are • Business – Analysis of Home Sales • Health Sciences – The Effect of Caffeine on Heart Rate • Psychology – The Effect of Colored Paper on Reading Speed • Sociology – Level of Education and its Effect on Homelessness in Veterans • Criminal Justice – Analysis of Poverty and Crime At the end of these directions, under Project Topics, are the full descriptions for each of these 5 topic options, including the data you must use in your analysis. Please scroll down and read through each of these 5 options in their entirety before making your selection. You must select one of these 5 topics. You may not select your own topic

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Please see the following video lecture as a way to engage in the online environment through a virtual conversation. Please respond with your own video on the topic of the week. Know how you respond via video is up to you (YouTube, MP4, etc.), but I want you to develop your interpersonal skills as we “Walk our talk”. Know that there is subtitles auto generated from the video if you need them. This increases the accessibility of the video.

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NAEYC Substandard 2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics

NAEYC Substandard 2b: Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships

CDEC 1319: Child Guidance Portfolio

Instructions: The portfolio will be comprehensive project of all topics covered during the semester. Each student must submit the portfolio in a PowerPoint presentation. This assignment is intended to be prepared individually, not in groups or teams.

Important note: This assignment is expected to be completed independently. The work you submit must be in your own words and must be an original creation. Any collaboration will be seen as scholastic dishonesty. If you have any question about this assignment, contact the instructor.

Child Guidance Portfolio

Title Page: The title page should include the following: title of your portfolio, student name, course name and number, and due date. Be creative!

Table of Contents: The table of contents needs to provide a brief “snapshot of what is contained in your portfolio.

Part 1: Understanding Children’s Behavior and Parenting Practices

1.1. Parent Interviews: Interview five (5) parents and ask them the following: 1) What is meant by discipline? 2) What is meant by positive child guidance? 3) Is there a difference between discipline and positive child guidance? Record each parent’s response separately. No not use parents names on your report.

Then, write a brief summary in response to the following: 1) What did you learn from the parents’ responses? 2) How can you help educate parents in “guiding” their children?

2. 2. Parenting Style: Considering the following two (2) parenting styles (Authoritarian and Permissive), write a brief summary of how you might work with a parenting representing each one of these parenting styles, recognizing that authoritative is the preferred parenting style. In your summary, be sure to ask yourself: What would be the challenges of working with this parent? What would be the benefits? How could you encourage the parent to use a more authoritative parenting style?

1.3. Typical Children’s Behavior: Create a handout for parents with typical behaviors of children with respect to the typical ages and stages (infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children). For instance, why do babies cry? Or, why do toddlers feel so attached to an object? (Note: You are required to have a handout for each age group specified i.e. one for infants, one for toddler, one for preschoolers and one for school-age children.)

1.4. Respecting Cultural Diversity: List four (4) multicultural children’s books for preschool aged children that you consider to be excellent stories. Provide a brief description (2-4 sentences) of each book. Each book should demonstrate one of the following: women in nontraditional roles, people of color in leadership roles, people with disabilities doing activities familiar to children, and nontraditional types of families. Books must be cited using APA format (American Psychological Association) and an example is below. For reference about APA format, please feel free to visit the website below, http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/08/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.An additional site you may choose to use is citationmachine.net.

Book must be cited in the APA format.

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.

Examples using one or two authors.

Gray, L. (1993). Miss Tizzy. New York, NY: Aladdin Paperbacks-Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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Please read the attached article, Beehive Management.

In your two-page essay discuss the main ideas in the article. Are they sensible ideas?

If managers and leaders try to use these ideas, how might they change the way that power is used in organizations?

If there is too much emphasis on this kind of communication, could it cause any possible problems?

When there is too little of this kind of communication, what might be the result?

Use evidence to support your claims and opinions, and identify your sources, APA format.

Title page and references page also required.

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just answer all the questions including the diagram and coding wherever required .

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