Go to the end of Chapter 10 and do Exercise 10A “Is Coca-Cola or PepsiCo’s Sustainability Report Better?” Complete all the steps (one-page minimum assignment). Exercise 10a How Does your Municipality compare to others on Being pollution-Safe? Purpose Sometimes it is difficult to know how safe a particular municipality or county is regarding industrial and agricultural pollutants. a website that provides consumers and businesses excellent information in this regard is http://scorecard.goodguide.com/. this type of information is often used in assessing where to locate new business operations. Instructions go to http://scorecard.goodguide.com/. put in your zip code. print off the information available for your city or county regarding pollutants. Step 1 prepare a comparative analysis of your municipality versus state and national norms on pollution issues. Does your locale receive an a, B, c, D, or F? Step 2 prepare a report of your findings for your professor.

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